Feeling Behind in Life?

A lot of people create this image that they have everything in life figured out. Some of them create a sense of shame to those who haven't.

Sometimes, it's social media, but the times when it really hurts are when loved ones compare you against others. You may feel "behind in life."

You may have a fear of the unknown or fear of breaking away from the identity that others associate you with.

I understand and hear you!

But I'm here to tell you that it's OK that you're not yet where you hoped you'd be. You don't need to compare your life against other people. And it's OK that you're still figuring things out.

To be honest, I'm right there with you! I'm not even close to having everything figured out. Since launching Kurative Co. 1.5 years ago, I've tried many experiments such as hosting workshops, mental health virtual events, an online Social Media Detox challenge, and an online course & community.

Some were great successes, and some were complete failures. And even with some of the successful experiments (such as the workshop series back in Jan 2021), I burnt out.

To this day, I'm still trying to figure things out. All I’m clear on are what I value in my life and what areas I want to contribute my efforts toward. Other than that, I continue to experiment and determine whether it's bringing me towards to right path or not.

And that's what I suggest that you do. A small, incremental step in the general direction you intend to head towards is better than no action. If you're still hesitant about taking that first step, let share with you how I typically overcome that hurdle.

How to make progress towards your goals

In every content I create, I always suggest asking the right questions, reflecting honestly on them, and taking incremental steps towards your goals.

So if you have an inkling of an idea of what you want, but don't know how to get there, here are four steps that may help you go from an idea to action:

  1. Understand WHY You're Doing it - Why is this goal important to you? Will achieving what you'd hope for really bring you long-term happiness and fulfillment? Or would it just bring short-term pleasure? It’s not about having all of the answers. But asking the right questions can lead to a better understanding of yourself and what you want to prioritize in your life.

  2. Strengthening Your Mindset - Whether it's a new job or something else, what you think about yourself and your limitations matter. You may feel intimidated by the task at hand, or maybe you aren't confident that you deserve to get what you want. For the majority of the time, having self-compassion and overcoming your self-sabotaging mindsets is the first step towards taking the action towards getting what you want.

  3. Break Your Large Goal into Smaller Ones - If what you want in life (e.g. a new career or a healthier life) seem so far out of reach, know that it's still possible! All large goals have small ones. Instead of seeing your goal as going from Point A to Point B, understand that there are a lot of mini-milestones you can work towards that will eventually lead you to your end goal. Determine the small steps you can take. (If you need help starting, start with this worksheet.)

  4. Set Your Intentions and Take Action - The real truth is that no one will take the action for you. Whether it's scheduling it, having an accountability partner, or finding a reward that would motivate you to do it, only you can set yourself up to successfully take the steps towards your goals.

Take that small step for your future self

The actions you choose to take now create an impact, influence, or investment towards your future.

Life is about figuring things out as we go, so the sooner you take those actions, the more you’ll be able to align yourself towards your goals and ideal life.

If you’ve read this far, it’s clear you have some sort of idea or goal you want to work towards. The question that you have to ask yourself is:

What action will you take today for your ideal future self?