A Guided Series on Finding Your Life Purpose (Part 1)

Why You Should Care About Finding Your Life Purpose

“Have you ever woken up on multiple occasions not wanting to go to work?”

Before I show you how to find your life purpose, I wanted to start by reassuring you that you don’t have to have it all figured out.

But you may be asking questions like, “Why should we care about finding our life purpose over just a job?” Or “why not just find a job that’s easy and makes a lot of money?” 🤔

Have you ever woken up on multiple occasions not wanting to go to work? Have you gone home from a long and productive day but still felt like you didn’t do much? Has someone asked you, “How’s work?” and you just answer with, “Eh, it’s alright…”?

If this is you, you’re not alone! You may not have found the work that fulfills you. You may be motivated by the wrong types of rewards and consequences such as more money, promotions, or the fear of being fired. Or maybe you’ve been on autopilot for a while and lost track of what you wanted to do in life. 

And that’s OK! It happens to a lot of us! I was in the same boat as I didn’t know why I was working on the projects I was working on. But when you self-reflected on what brings you joy, what is fulfilling, you’ll at least know which direction you want to head towards.

Your Life Purpose is A Guide

“Living your purpose is intentionally living.”

We all have it in us to discover what’s fulfilling. We can be that person who gets up most mornings excited and ready for the day. Finding your purpose will reveal the mission and vision you believe in. That mission and vision will give you the motivation you’ll need. ➡️

We can take ownership of our time, energy, money, and mental capacity by focusing on what we care about. Humans are driven by purpose. When we don’t try to pursue our purpose, we allow others to control our lives. We can be intentional about how we spend it. Living your purpose is intentionally living. 🔑

Chadwick Boseman, best known as T’Challa in Marvel’s Black Panther, was working with a purpose. He was battling colon cancer for four years while working on major film projects. After hearing about his passing, I watched his commencement speech for his alma mater at Howard University. (I provided the key section of the video I wanted to share, but I’d suggest watching the whole speech because he shared how his success came from many struggles.)

His greatest message was to live your life with your purpose. He says that purpose is more than a job or even a career, it crosses many disciplines, and it’s essential to live by it. Boseman fulfilled his purpose through his acting and the messages his characters portrayed. 🙌

In his own words:

“To be young, gifted and Black, we all know what it's like to be told that there is not a place for you to be featured... we knew that we had something special that we wanted to give the world. That we could be full human beings in the roles that we were playing. That we could create a world that exemplified a world that we wanted to see."

Ready To Find Your Life Purpose?

If there’s anything I’d like for you to take away from this, it’s to consider whether you’re ready to find and live your purpose.

To be honest, I hope it’s a “Hell Yes!” 💪 Since this is only Part 1 of a guided series to help you find your life purpose, we’ll get deeper into how to find your purpose because, well, it’s there within you! We’ll work together to unveil it!

As always, this is a two-way communications platform. Click that Reply button and share with me your thoughts on finding your purpose! I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon!

If you’re ready to check Part 2 of a Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose, click here to read on!

(This post is a tribute to Chadwick Boseman. Rest in Peace. 👑 )