The One Tip to Prevent Overwhelm, Intimidation, and Analysis Paralysis

I’ve had many conversations with people lately to understand what’s potentially holding them back from building their intentional life. And I came to a realization…

Taking action towards your intentional life seems intimidating!

From the feedback people have given me, most issues summed up to these following points:

  • The newsletters and prompts require a lot of mental energy to reflect on after a long day of work.

  • It’s difficult to understand what to do next after answering the prompts.

  • There’s a self-sabotaging mindset that’s hindering you from building your intentional life.

Do you fall in any of these buckets? Well, I hear ya! Your concerns are totally valid and you’re not alone!

Intentional living seems like it has a lot to unpack. Although true, there’s a secret on how to navigate through it! To build momentum and progress towards any of your goals, whether it's building a life with more intention or even just starting a new hobby, take small, incremental steps continuously. 🔑

One step is better than no step

For most of you who know me, you know I’m a software engineer by trade. 💻 Before creating Kurative Co., I’ve never written a blog post or newsletter. So this is definitely new to me.

I wouldn’t say I’m even close to being as good as I’d like to be, and some of you may agree! But as I understand where I want to be with my writing, the small step I can take is to journal every night before I go to bed. ✍️

Journaling allows me to word-vomit my ideas out on paper without judgment. There’s no structure or in-depth thoughts required. But after a few weeks of journaling, I come back to these entries and begin to create something out of it. I elaborate on the topics I find useful to share, I create structure, and I even share in detail my personal experiences so you can hopefully resonate with them.

It’s not how everyone does it, but it’s how I do it, and it’s been working well enough to give me confidence in sharing these ideas with you all!

Sometimes I take a step backward because I didn’t follow my workflow, or I was rushing a project due after procrastinating. But most of the time they’re either a step forward or a step sideways.

The act of taking a step in any direction is better than being paralyzed from taking any step at all. As long as, overall, you’re heading towards an intended direction, you’ll make some form of progress. 💪

This is to share with you that you can approach your goals in many different ways. Some may work for you, some won’t. Sometimes you’ll take steps in the right direction, sometimes you won’t. But the most important thing is to focus on the goal, keep searching for what works for you, and be consistent with it.

Take those small steps over and over again. Over time, you’ll improve and see progress towards your goals. 🙌

What small step are you willing to take towards one of your goals this week?