I Declined the Offer... A Lesson on Opportunities

This is a continuation of my story pitching my videography services to Ramit Sethi, the personal finance author of I Will Teach You to Be Rich. If you missed last week’s story and want to know the context, click here!

So did Ramit ever respond back to me? Yes, but not exactly right away…

Pretty much a month later, he finally responds and asks to have a chat! Apparently, he had been looking for strategies to drive more traffic to his social media accounts and was curious to see what improvements he should make.

One thing that I admire about Ramit is that he searches for people who are more skilled than he is about a certain topic to get feedback and advice. That’s a hard thing to do as asking for feedback is kinda scary! But as we all know, feedback is crucial for growth! 💡

We finally had a chat on the phone 1.5 months after my initial pitch to work with him. By that point, a lot had happened. Specifically, I committed myself to start Kurative Co.

So what happened? If I had been asked to work with him two months ago, I would’ve still tried to work with Ramit and juggle it with my podcast and video projects at the same time. But I’ve learned that prioritizing what’s most important is key to creating real progress towards your goals.

I provided some insight into what I would’ve done if I were his videographer and editor, I gave suggestions in regards to equipment, angle of the camera, and more. Before we could talk about pricing and availability for my services, I had to cut him off… 😳

I told him, although I appreciated him calling me and hearing my thoughts, I also wanted to let him know that I couldn’t work with him anymore. 😱 I explained that I had another project that I was going to prioritize instead. Ramit appreciated my time and input even though I wouldn’t work with him, and we left it at that.

Would I have gotten the job?

So it begs the question… Would I have successfully proven that the Briefcase Technique worked? I guess we’ll never know…

I honestly wished the time between when I pitched my services to Ramit and when we had our phone call was a lot closer together. At that point in my life, I didn’t have my vision of Kurative Co. yet, and I would’ve tried harder to work with him.

In reality, that’s how life works.

Timing can potentially not work in your favor, and that’s OK! ⏳

Taking the right opportunity bus 🚌

I heard this quote from another author I follow about viewing opportunities like buses arriving at your bus stop multiple times a day. You may have missed the last one, and the ones before that, but when the next one comes by, you better be ready.

My add-on to that analogy is this: Is this bus going towards the direction you’re trying to go? Or is it heading somewhere further away from your goals?

Moral of the story?

Opportunities, whether they’re good or bad ones, will always come your way. It’s up to you to intentionally prioritize what’s most important in your life and what will add value to you right now. 🔑

I’ve had other opportunities like this one before, and at the moment of making the decision, it’s always sad to decline them. But trust me, it’s worth it when you know where you’d rather spend your time, energy, & mental capacity towards.

What do you want to prioritize in your life right now?