
A Guided Series on Finding Your Life Purpose (Part 1)

A Guided Series on Finding Your Life Purpose (Part 1)

You may not have found the work that fulfills you. And that’s OK! It happens to a lot of us!

We all have it in us to discover what’s fulfilling. We can be that person who gets up every morning excited and ready for the day. Finding your purpose will reveal the mission and vision you believe in. That mission and vision will give you a sense of direction throughout your life.

How to Overcome Self-Sabotaging Mindsets

How to Overcome Self-Sabotaging Mindsets

Self-sabotaging mindsets such as fear of failure, self-doubt, or comparing ourselves to others keep us from achieving what we want to achieve and be who we want to be. Mental hurdles will always be there, but it’s our job to get past them. To live an intentional life requires different mindset shifts.

Redefining Our Metrics for Success

Redefining Our Metrics for Success

Our culture, family, the media, and society are constraining us with their definition of a "successful career". Just like everything else in intentional living, we’re defining what we value, what we want to strive for. When we take ownership of our definition of success, we take back control of our lives. We have to determine what our metrics for success are.

Breaking Away From Identities That Don’t Serve You

Breaking Away From Identities That Don’t Serve You

Your current identity SHOULD NOT define the rest of your life. You're allowed to break away from your current identity that doesn’t serve you anymore. Instead of thinking that changing our identities will be a wasteful part of our lives, we can see it as something that helped us get to where we are now. We can view our identity to fit the purpose or mission we’re trying to pursue.