A Guided Series on Finding Your Life Purpose (Part 5)

(This is Part 5 of A Guided Series on Finding Your Life Purpose. If you haven’t read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, or Part 4 yet, I highly suggest reading the previous articles first and then coming back to this post.)

I’ll admit, with this being the 5th part of the “Life Purpose” series, this was one of the biggest topics I wanted to talk about! The majority of the struggles people mentioned when responding to my emails were related to finding purpose. They were just asked in different ways:

  • “I’m not sure where to go next in my career.”

  • “I want to contribute my skills to a company’s mission I care about.”

  • “The work I’m doing isn’t that interesting to me.”

  • “I don’t feel fulfilled working at my current job.”

There were so many more like these, and hopefully, I helped answer your questions and gave you a better idea of how to overcome the obstacles when finding your purpose. 

Part 5 is all about very important things to keep in mind when pursuing something risky. Not all changes are easy ones. It’s crucial to make sure you’re aware and confident about your Plan B if your Plan A of pursuing your purpose doesn’t seem to have expected results in a given time. 

Take Calculated Risks When Pursuing Your Life Purpose

Just like a trapeze artist at a circus 🎪, they are more confident and willing to take more risks in their tricks when they trust the net will catch them if they fall. When taking risks to pursue your life purpose, it is important to be strategic about it.  We potentially are taking less pay, or even no pay temporarily due to limited funding. It’s crucial to have that safety net to catch you when things don’t necessarily work out. With a safety net, you’re free to take the same-caliber risks over and over again to pursue something that truly fulfills you.

Have enough money in your savings account, spend less on things that are not really important to you so you can last longer in a risky move, and set certain milestones & checkpoints to ensure you’re heading to the right path. Ensure you have a Plan B just in case.

When I decided to leave my full-time job as a software engineer, I didn’t do it on a whim. I spent several months planning, saving, and forecasting how long I could last without getting paid a single dollar. I was honest with my situation, knowing that I was fortunate enough to not have any large debt and had someone to help me if I were to hit rock bottom. (Thanks Mom & Dad! 🙏) I also made sure I did a checkpoint reflection every 3 months to see whether my trajectory in savings was still OK or not.

There’s always risk involved in pursuing something that fulfills you. But trust me, it’s worth it! A great rule-of-thumb is to approach each opportunity with incremental small steps. Reflect on how each step makes you feel and if you’re ready to take another. Lastly, don’t be afraid to seek help & guidance. It’s not easy to take these sorts of risks without having a support system or community. I have mine and I’m super grateful for all of those who support me! ❤️

Take Guided Steps to Pursue Your Life Purpose

Finding your life purpose is not easy. It will take a long time. But it’s not impossible. It’s easy to be discouraged and to leave things as it is. But I believe it’s important to continue to intentionally try new things and understand why you enjoy them or why you don’t.

The best way to find and pursue your life purpose is to take guided steps. It’s easy to miss something important such as not accounting for unexpected financial circumstances, or not consistently having checkpoints with yourself.

If you’re truly interested in unveiling what your purpose is, send me an email and let me know!

I’m serious! After speaking to some of you about your struggles when curating your intentional life, this was the most requested topic!

I can help guide you through these prompts and exercises to reveal something that you already have within you.

Looking forward to it!