
How to Overcome Self-Sabotaging Mindsets

How to Overcome Self-Sabotaging Mindsets

Self-sabotaging mindsets such as fear of failure, self-doubt, or comparing ourselves to others keep us from achieving what we want to achieve and be who we want to be. Mental hurdles will always be there, but it’s our job to get past them. To live an intentional life requires different mindset shifts.

What is Intentional Living?

What is Intentional Living?

As Millennials, we are currently living in a time with different struggles from the previous generations. We have the opportunity to question what makes us happy and fulfilled versus what makes us the most money. I believe that, through self-awareness and intention, everyone has the opportunity to curate their own thriving and fulfilling life. I break down the definition of intentional living and how to apply this lifestyle as your own.