Core Values

The Framework for an Intentional Life & Long-term Well-being

The Framework for an Intentional Life & Long-term Well-being

While a lot of these self-care and mental health exercises helped me get to this point, I realized that a lot of the activities such as gratitude journaling, journaling, and even therapy mainly focus on the past and present struggles. I started asking myself the bigger question: “How can I set myself up to have long-term well-being? For the Future?” In pursuit to answer this question, I created a framework.

Redefining Our Metrics for Success

Redefining Our Metrics for Success

Our culture, family, the media, and society are constraining us with their definition of a "successful career". Just like everything else in intentional living, we’re defining what we value, what we want to strive for. When we take ownership of our definition of success, we take back control of our lives. We have to determine what our metrics for success are.

What is Intentional Living?

What is Intentional Living?

As Millennials, we are currently living in a time with different struggles from the previous generations. We have the opportunity to question what makes us happy and fulfilled versus what makes us the most money. I believe that, through self-awareness and intention, everyone has the opportunity to curate their own thriving and fulfilling life. I break down the definition of intentional living and how to apply this lifestyle as your own.

Breaking Away From Identities That Don’t Serve You

Breaking Away From Identities That Don’t Serve You

Your current identity SHOULD NOT define the rest of your life. You're allowed to break away from your current identity that doesn’t serve you anymore. Instead of thinking that changing our identities will be a wasteful part of our lives, we can see it as something that helped us get to where we are now. We can view our identity to fit the purpose or mission we’re trying to pursue.

How To Intentionally Take Ownership of Your Life

How To Intentionally Take Ownership of Your Life

Culture, media, and society shape us into who we are now and influence us on what it means to be successful or how we should live our lives. But sometimes we forget to think about who we want to be and what we want actually to do with our lives. Living an intentional life means consciously choosing and being purposeful in what you want to do and how you want to live. To take ownership of your life, you must take ownership of the views you want to have, the actions you want to take, and the goals you want to accomplish.