Purposeful Work

The Era of The Great Resignation

The Era of The Great Resignation

The Great Resignation has been the label of the phenomenon of people leaving their jobs in record numbers in 2021. Last September, the Labor Department reported 4.4 MILLION people quitting. This begs the question, why are so many people leaving? In this article, I talk about several possible reasons so many people are quitting and how to find for fulfilling work.

The Framework for an Intentional Life & Long-term Well-being

The Framework for an Intentional Life & Long-term Well-being

While a lot of these self-care and mental health exercises helped me get to this point, I realized that a lot of the activities such as gratitude journaling, journaling, and even therapy mainly focus on the past and present struggles. I started asking myself the bigger question: “How can I set myself up to have long-term well-being? For the Future?” In pursuit to answer this question, I created a framework.

Don't Quit Your Day Job Just Yet

Don't Quit Your Day Job Just Yet

Ever since I left my full-time job, people have reached out to me for advice on how to do the same. They’re typically burnt out, want to take time to recharge, and start a project they are interested in. With that said, a good amount of people have been curious as to how it's been going. The majority of them asked if I had any advice on how to approach this type of situation effectively.