How To Do Meaningful Work with Ease

For the longest time, I thought that if I wasn’t working hard or struggling enough, I wasn’t doing anything meaningful.

I’ll admit, it was difficult for me to come back to creating videos for YouTube because I struggled with speaking in front of the camera. I know I can use this platform to create valuable content, but doing something that continues to be outside of my comfort zone drains my mental energy.

My struggles convinced me to finally pick up a recently-released book, Effortless, by Greg McKeown. In this book, the author assumes you know what tasks and priorities are essential in your life. But sometimes the essential things can be difficult to keep up with. He challenges the notion that your work is only meaningful if you put in your blood, sweat, and tears. 

So… going back to my struggles with Youtube... 

Immediately after reading the first chapter of Effortless, I started asking myself: How can I get myself to enjoy the video creation process more? What if it could be easier?

Creating Content I Enjoy

After much reflection, I decided on a certain style I’ve been doing for a long time now, but haven’t yet released as a YouTube video.

As a huge tech nerd, I love using technologies such as Notion, Zapier, and other tools to help people build systems to solve their problems. Whenever I helped solve someone’s problem, I’d demo the system with a screen recorder and have a small video of myself to explain what I’m doing. Think of it like sharing your screen on Zoom.

I've done it many times for business owners, founders of non-profits, and venture capitalists. It’s something that I truly enjoy doing and always look forward to! So why can’t I create YouTube videos exactly like I'm solving someone's specific problem?

Well, that’s exactly what I did!

Last week, I filmed another Youtube video on my re-alignment exercise, but this time, it was a demo of the exercise using Notion. I’ll admit, demoing my exercise on Notion was a lot easier than the previous video of sharing only the concept.

I figured I’d alternate with the two styles of videos, one sharing the concept (so anyone can apply it without needing special tools), and one sharing a demo (using a digital app, such as Notion). My first demo video will be released tomorrow, so don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube and enable notifications so you can be notified when I release the video!

If you happen to enjoy the demo types of videos, definitely let me know! Your feedback will greatly help me understand how I can continue to give you value!

How to Work With Ease

Now it’s time to ask yourself the same question I asked:

“What if it could be easy?”

By simply answering that question and choosing an easier path over another one just because all of the “successful” creators did it that way, you’ll enjoy putting in the effort towards it! You’ll be able to do your meaningful work with ease!